40 hours
Specifications and costs

Headquarter Bologna
Frequency On Saturday
Starting Date
Headquarter Ancona
Frequency On Saturday
Starting Date
Headquarter Padova
Frequency On Saturday
Starting Date

The Photoshop® course with frequency on saturday aims at giving attendees technical/practical knowledge which will enable them to learn Adobe Photoshop® dynamics and functions.
At the end of the course, students will mainly be able to:

  • upload fashion sketches, transform and edit them on screen using different coloring techniques and tools
  • create and fill in a technical/specification chart
  • elaborate a mini collection.

The Adobe Photoshop® course represents an interesting tool created for those who want to upload fashion sketches on a pc, edit changes and apply coloring effects obtaining a very impressive rendering.
It is created for designing and completing a collection quickly with the assistance of a digital software.

It is for those who have fairly good computer knowledge.

40 hours

8 lessons – 5 hours each
Frequency on Saturday.

Teaching handouts of the Course
Every attendee will be provided with a graphic workstation.

Our Faculty consists of highly – qualified professionals, with several years proven experience in Fashion business.
They’re constantly updated on Fashion and Market Trends and New Technologies.

1) EU Citizens and Switzerland Citizens: a copy of Identity Card ; n. 1 digital passport photo; a copy of diploma or self – certification; a copy of Social Security Number (SSN) /Tax Code.
2) NON EU Citizens: a passport copy and a Student Visa; n. 1 digital passport photo; a copy of the Social Security Number (SSN) / Tax Code.

Managing images to realize mood, material and colour layout by setting- up a new document,
adjustments, selections , color selection, color palette, image – merging methods, masks, layers, text tools;
layout set – up and import of the fashion sketch;
different coloring techniques for fashion sketches, textures and patterns ;
photo – editing tools;
styles and Filters;
raster and Vector Graphic: differences;
tools: pen and shape;
shape layers and paths


    E-mail: write to info@nextfashionschool.com

    Whatsapp: write to +39 348 3158967

    Web: fill in online form

    Name *


    E-mail *


    Select headquarter *

    Request *
    InfoRiceive by e-mail the application form

    Telephone: call number +39 02 38237568 or

    for BOLOGNA +39 051 266430

    for ANCONA +39 071 804635

    for PADOVA +39 049 2329077