40 hours
Specifications and costs

Headquarter Bologna
Frequency On Saturday
Starting Date
Headquarter Ancona
Frequency On Saturday
Starting Date
Headquarter Padova
Frequency On Saturday
Starting Date

Digital stylistic expression through the two most used programs for Fashion Design.

The Course aims at giving attendees technical/ practical knowledge which will enable them to learn dynamics and functions of Adobe Photoshop® and Illustrator®. At the end of the Course, students will mainly be able to import fashion sketches, transform and edit them on screen using different coloring techniques and tools, create and fill in a technical.

In particular, during the course students will:

• practice simulating a mood with fabrics and colors boards
• coloring sketches and fillings
• create a pattern and its application
• simulate technical sheet by inserting texts and flat drawings

It is for those who have fairly good computer knowledge.

40 hours

On saturday: 8 lessons – 5 hours each

Teaching handouts of the Course
Every attendee will be provided with a graphic workstation.

Our Faculty consists of highly – qualified professionals, with several years proven experience in Fashion business.
They’re constantly updated on Fashion and Market Trends and New Technologies.

1) EU Citizens and Switzerland Citizens: a copy of Identity Card ; n. 1 digital passport photo; a copy of diploma or self – certification; a copy of Social Security Number (SSN) /Tax Code.
2) NON EU Citizens: a passport copy and a Student Visa; n. 1 digital passport photo; a copy of the Social Security Number (SSN) / Tax Code.

managing images to realize mood, material and colour layout by setting- up a new document,
adjustments, selections , color selection, color palette, image – merging methods, masks, layers, text tools;
layout set – up and import of the fashion sketch;
different coloring techniques for fashion sketches, textures and patterns ;
photo – editing tools;
styles and Filters;
raster and Vector Graphic: differences;
tools: pen and shape;
shape layers and paths.

workspace, document setup, menu, tool bar, palettes;
drawing, shapes;
path editing;
layers and masks;
colour management: fill tool, selection tool, editing and gradient tool;
tracing artwork using Live Trace command;
brushes management: creation and editing;
utilization and application of main effects, styles and properties;
how to use patterns;
text creation, input and editing;
print size and its options


    E-mail: write to info@nextfashionschool.com

    Whatsapp: write to +39 348 3158967

    Web: fill in online form

    Name *


    E-mail *


    Select headquarter *

    Request *
    InfoRiceive by e-mail the application form

    Telephone: call number +39 02 38237568 or

    for BOLOGNA +39 051 266430

    for ANCONA +39 071 804635

    for PADOVA +39 049 2329077